Thank you FOGMON, Lagos. Permit me to make my contribution.
As music ministers, nothing, I mean nothing should be given as an excuse for failure or mediocrity. It will, however,depend on our
personal and collective definition of success. We are living in a secular world whether we like it or not. But we are to shine as light in d darkness. Our music is a healing balm, a life, peace and joy-giving stream, a deliverance weapon etc. Theirs is not. We have what they don't have. Hard work, focus, excellence, consistency and of course God's favor will take us higher. If success or progress is measured by reach ,fame and popularity then what they do more which many of us don't is promotions. The Gospel artiste will need to put in more money into promoting his work and stay on the cutting edge. But if success is fulfilling purpose, then so many Gospel artistes are already very successful even when they don't feel so because of pressure. The world buys secular so don't be surprised they will buy their CD before they buy yours. The secular artiste will almost strip to get attention but we are not of that spirit. We can't afford to seek fame at all cost because we were already told before we began that narrow is d path. They reign for 2 to three years maximum and fizzle out but we are still here. They make more money while they reign, but if we came into music for just money, Prince Asu would have remained in d bank, he probably would have been d Minister of Finance now. But would that have made him fulfilled?I would have still remained a Television, producer cum broadcaster. That's very famous , is isn't it? But the call is like fire shut up in our bones...You know what I mean. Money, fame, reach are all very good. But it shouldn't at all make us forget why we answered this call.
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