Welcome to Nigerian campuses where little girls are practicing 'wifely functions'! Just visit the boys' hostels and you would be disappointed to find out that it is now common for a girl to live in with a course mate. It is now common for her lover to give her the popular compliment 'you look s3xy my girl' and she would gladly
reply 'thank you honey' with a flirty voice and a romantic smile. Who is her lover? A 300 level student whose CGPA is barely up to 1.78! And they are aiming for the next best couple award for the session by the departmental association. So, the girl need to live in with him to prepare along.

What nonsense! It seems that some girls suddenly loose their senses immediately they gain admission into higher institution. I've seen that some of them have no more sense of caution, honour and dignity. They would change their wardrobes and acquire a new set of make ups just to look 'campussy' and s3xy enough for the guys. In months, they would start sleeping around with little boys. I mean boys who collect pocket money from their uncles! Dirty boys who most of the time are infected with s3xually transmitted diseases. Hey! I want you to know that you were sent to school to obtain a degree not a disease. The campus is called a school; school not s3x! You are on campus to receive education not eja.cula.tion. You are here to master the use of a pen not the pleasures of a Wake up girl! Do some thinking. Your future is greater than the 'best couple award'. You cook for a boy you are more intelligent than. You give your vir.gin.ity to a boy who will definitely leave you after graduation. You play wife to a boy who cannot even care for himself. Oh, you have given too much. Enough! Open your eyes! Can't you see you're being foolish? You are passing through the  fears of unwanted pregnancies yet you are opening your legs to a coward who cannot stand before your father. And when you eventually gets pregnant, he would brutally advise you to abort it and you would timidly agree; then face the consequences later. What a shame! You may master the use of cond.oms but you can't master the punishment of your conscience.

Don't you know you are bringing shame to your family? Don't you know that you are cursing your mother by accepting to sleep with a boy (not even a man) without her consent? I cautioned a girl against sleeping around and she replied 'me', I don't sleep around; its only one boyfriend I have and am faithful to him'. What impunity! That's classified harlotry. And don't you know that sleeping with a man without your father's blessings is bringing a curse to your future? What happened to your cultural values? Somewhere in your heart you know he would use you and dump you; so why are you setting up yourself for a heartbreak? I want to remind you that you are a lady and one day you may get married. And your husband would know that you are such a dirty bitch who sleeps with anything on trousers. The greatest gift a lady would give to her husband on the wedding night is her virginity less lost it out of (rape) not the certificate of best couple of the year on campus! The other gifts for the rest of her life are her care and character not her curves and  complexion! Real men know this; so, get it screwed in! Those treacherous boys would call you 's3xy' and you would answer? Oh, sorry! They touch your bre.ast and you would smile? They would ask you out and you would oblige? Oh, you are indeed a mistake. Am not saying that you should be rude or never live a 'social life' but I want you to think deeper than you are currently doing. I want to turn your attention back to
your books. You are not in school for br.east exhibition. So, pay less attention to those bo.obs and give more
attention to your books! You are not in school for cat walking show. You are rather here to show us the
dignity of womanhood. You are here to prove to us that you are costly. So, why make yourself so cheap? I
am writing this with both love and pain in my heart and that's why am sounding stern. I know about two girls now that have been living with their boyfriend since year one and as it is now they can't even count how many abortions they had for that same boy school bae it's now like a normal thing to them, the last one she did almost took her life and that made her bleed for four months imagine how you do feel with ordinary four days of menstruation left alone living with it for months.. As a matter of fact one of them have damaged her  fallopian tube due to excessive of contraceptives she has taken to prevent pregnancy. I want you to look beyond now and think of what advise you would give your own daughter when you become a mother. I hope I have not offended you...if I have, please repent.

To the decent girls I have seen on campus: do not be swayed by these evils. Be consistent and keep celebrating your purity. I am always proud of you. And God is more proud of you.
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