Did you know that;

1. PEN PRESS UDUS Is the first and remains the best press board in Udus

2. 'End of The Road' is the most talked-about Staff of Udus...  UDUS student wa no no END OF THE ROAD say that one na student???

3. It is normal to keep missing IT or TP in UDUS😟

4. Our question papers almost looks similar to Newspapers📰

5. It is a tradition that you must fail first test of every new course🔨

6.UDUS securities behave as if they are mightier than Major General

7.Morocco is the only abode for unserious folks in UDUS

8. Combine-JOINT 🍚🍴 remains the most patronized eatary in UDUS

9. If you want to fail woefully, rely on past questions😂

10. Two terms are common in UDUS 'hanging things' and 'kana ruwa'🕣

11. Majority of those students who eat their breakfast☕ lunch🍌 and dinner🍲  in classes are Jambitos 😜

12. JCI remain the most influencing humanitarian club in UDUS

13. Only few idiots😎 travel home during Xmas/Sallah and mid semester break.

14. If you want to see big boys turning into fire men👮‍ wait for DV to CATCH fire🚫

15. Of course SU-shop is the most popular shop in UDUS🏆

16. All the big girls👸 in UDUS are In DV

17. If you want to know the true meaning of life, live in UDUS male hostel especially COMMON rooms☠

18. Doomsday for Danfodite is when he is to write two exams at the same time at different venues😫

19. If a Lady spent beyond 12midnight at in Class, check her out she must be 300 level and above😂

20. Typical Udus ladies always walk in group.😄

21.Favour is the best photocopy shop in UDUS📇

22. Average SOKOTO STUDENT will never invite you to their house🏰

24. Only few honest Danfodites tell their parents the actual registration fee💵

25. A guy with ride🚘 in UDUS is like a semi-god to those ladies who don't know the meaning of 'self esteem'👓

26. If you are not a Danfodite, don't make the mistake of dating Udusgirl💃our girls are meant for our boys💑

27. Having 3 or 4 carryovers in Udus is like having ten buck in your pocket🆔

28.city campus is like one big family👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 Mr. A is a friend of Mr. B who happens to know Mr. C

29. 89% of ladies wearing niqab in Udus are either ugly👺or hypocrites👎

30. The only social event which gathers enough momentums in UDUS IS "QAUYAWA DAY" 👌

31. Most of those who made to CITY CAMPUS are neither interested in football nor opposite sex👏

32. If you want to experience the real application of Tesla's gravitational theory, try dating a girl from LAW.

33. Most Damfodites don't know the meaning of common acronyms in the Campus like DV,MH,NLH,ETF and EB

34. The term "Baba" meaning Daddy refer to the Vice Chancellor Prof Abdullahi Zuru alone

35. Do you also know that almost 30% of technical offices both governmental and nongovernmental organizations in Nigeria are effectively managed and spearheaded by DAMFODITES?😀

36. A brilliant guy hardly leaves reading venue without some ladies chasing after him😜

37.its normal to squat on the ground during MAT101 LECTURES 😜

38. 75% of Danfodites were not offered there most preferred course

39. Faculty of science always produce the best graduates

40.The original Name of Jatau bridge is Sankara Bridge

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