Problems of School Supervision in Nigeria

The study on problems of schools inspection/supervision was a descriptive
survey. The main purpose of the study was to identify the problems militating
against effective inspection of
schools in Nigeria. The instrument used for the
study was a structured type of questionnaire. Two research questions guided
the study. 220 respondents formed the sample population. The instrument was
face validated by three experts in Measurement and Evaluation. A test retest
procedure was used to ascertain the reliability of the instrument, while
Pearson monument product correlation coefficient was adopted to determine
the correlation between the tow results which yielded 0.74. Data collected
were analyzed using simple percentage. The study produced many results as
the problems militating against effective inspection of schools in Nigeria, such
as: inadequate number of inspectors, inadequate motivation of inspectors,
lack of executive power to ensure implementation of inspection
recommendation among which are: 1. Provision of adequate number of
inspectors 2. Provision of adequate transport facilities etc.

The term inspection is defined by Ogelabi (1981) as the critical examination
and subsequent place of learning so as to make it possible for the necessary advice to be given for the purpose of improving the school. Hornby (1995) sees inspection as to
examine some thing / somebody in order to detect the presence of something; to visit an  institution officially to see that rules are obeyed, that work is done properly. Dodd
(1968)defines inspection as a specific process whereby a school is learning in such a way that advice may be given for its improvement and that advice embodied in a report.
Inspection affects the entire life of the school and this makes it collective in nature.

Dodd (1968) defines supervision as a constant and continuous process of more
personal guidance based on frequent visits when attention is directed to one or more
aspects of the school and its organization. Nwaogu (1980) sees supervision as the
process of bringing about improvement in structure by working with people who are
working with pupils. Supervision is a process of stimulating growth and a means of helping teachers to help themselves. Supervision is used to describe those activities which are primarily and directly concerned with studying and improving the conditions
which surround the learning and growth of pupils and teachers. The word, supervision
was derived from a Latin word, “Supervideo” meaning to “oversee”. In education
supervision is that phase of school administration which sees to the improvement of
Inspection as an educational activity is carried out for the following purposes according
to Ojelabi (1981).
1. To make sure that minimum standards are adhered to. The intention of this being to
provide relative equal educational opportunity for all children by ensuring that set
school standards are maintained.
2. To provide a forum through which purposeful and constructive advice can be
rendered for the sake of improving the quality of teaching in school through
improvement of educational facilities.
3. To make sure that prudence is maintained in the way and manner that public funds
are spent in running the schools.
4. To make available to the appropriate authorities true position of human and
material resources as they concern the schools through inspection reports. Some of
the issues under review here include availability of space, size of classes, state of
facilities, staff strength and appropriateness of teaching qualification of teachers
as well as the inspector perceptions of the other numerous difficulties that the
school has to contend with.
5. To stimulate and provide guidance in the display of desirable education practices
while noting the various negative education practices.
6. To provide a verifiable foundation upon which various courses of action can be
initiated by the teachers and principal locally within the school, and the inspectors
and government on a larger scale.

There are various schools of thought about instructional supervision, which is
the philosophy of instructional supervision. In the first instance, some people recognize
the teacher as an expert. In supervision, they assist without directly imposing their will
so that they will allow the teacher to develop his ideas without much observation. This
non- directive approach to supervision is called creative supervision. Secondly, there is
the philosophy which regards the teacher as an instrument that should be closely
watched because he is not professionally dedicated to his responsibility. This is called
autocratic supervision. Thirdly, another school of thought feels that instruction by an
individuals teacher makes a good contribution to teaching but contribution by a group
of teachers will be better appreciated as making a grater impact towards improving
instruction. This group looked at supervision as a continuous exercise in group
dynamics and in human relation and also improving instruction and creation of a
conducive climate and a productive effort of a group. This is know as teacher approach.
Finally another philosophy holds that there is always room for improvement, that a
typical competence profile reveals strengths and weaknesses. To identify those, there is
need to watch the lesson with rating scales. This is scientific supervision. Whatever is
the philosophy behind supervision or the approach used, there is a consensus of opinion
by experts that it should be a process of instructional imperilments by:
1. Stimulating teacher’s professional growth.
2. Making adequate provision for conditions essential for effective teaching.
3. Giving a specialized and technical service to motivate teachers.
Problem of the Study
Modern education systems like other social and economic systemic have
become increasing complex. The complexities of educational systems and their
institutions in Nigeria tend to be characterized by such phenomena as student
population explosion, examination malpractice, indiscipline, inadequate provision of
educational resources and poor academic performance among students. It is argued that
these factors impact on the system’s capacity to install and maintain a viable
programme of quality control and assurance.
The existence of 36 states in Nigeria and the federal capital territory Abuja and
the expansion in our reduction systems have brought about numerous inspectorate units
in Nigeria. Despite the nation –wide spread of inspectorate units, reactions from the
stakeholders in education (parent, teachers etc.) tend to indicate that the schools are not
regularly and properly supervised or inspected and that the quality of instruction in the
schools has progressively declined as evidenced by the poor performance of students
in public examinations such as those of Joints Admissions and Matriculation Board,
National Examination Council, West Africa Examination Council etc. Worse still, gone
are the days when primary school leavers could read and write. Today, the story has
negatively changed.

The present study was therefore designed investigate the perception of School
Inspectors on the problems which tend to limit the effectiveness of school inspection in
Research Questions
Two research questions guided the study.
1. What are the problems militating against effective school inspection in Nigeria?
2. How do the school inspectors perceive the seriousness of the problems?
The study is a descriptive survey based on the perceptions of school inspectors
absent the problems militating against school inspection.
Population and Sample
The population of this study was comprised of 449 school inspectors in South-
East and South-South States of Nigeria. Two hundred and twenty (220) school
inspectors where randomly selected from eleven (11) States out of the 36 states in the
country constitutes the sample population. Twenty (20) school inspectors where drawn
from each of the eleven (11) States.
Instrument for Data Collection
A questionnaire instrument tagged Problems of School Inspection in Nigeria
Questionnaire (PSINQ). The questionnaire instrument was constructed by the
researcher and was face validated by three experts in Educational Measurement and
Evaluation in Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. The instrument was pilot-tested
using a sample of 10 school inspectors selected from the Federal Ministry of Education,
Abuja. The two results from the pilot study were correlated using Pearson Product
Moment Correlation Coefficient and it yielded 0.74.
The questionnaire was divided into two parts. Part A sought personal
information about the respondents while part B sought information about the problems
of inspection in schools. The respondents were asked to rate the problems of school
inspection listed in part B of the questionnaire on a 4- point Likert Scale of very serious
; serious; fairly serious, and not serious.
Out of the 220 school inspectors who filled the instrument, only 200 returned
their copies properly responded to, and were used. The data collected were statistically
analyzed using percentage.

Results and Discussion
The analysis of data obtained from the study is presented as follows:
Research Question 1: What are the problems militating against effective school
inspection in Nigeria ?The responses obtained for this question were through
exhaustive study of relevant literature on problems of school inspection in Nigeria and
interviews of schools inspectors, school principals , teachers and even parents. A
synthesis of the data obtained from the various sources revealed the following
1. Inadequate number of school inspectors.
2. Inadequate funds for school inspection.
3. Inadequate transportation.
4. Poor implementation of inspection reports.
5. Inadequate facilities for inspection.
6. Inadequate incentives and motivation
7. Inadequate training and experience in educational supervision.
8. Lack of in – service opportunity for training and retraining of school inspectors.
9. Inadequate time for inspection due to non- supervisory administrative burden.
10. Lack of executive power to ensure implementation of recommendations.
11. Lack of commitment by inspectors
12. Uncooperative attitude of the school principals and teachers
13. Inspector’s autocratic supervisory style
14. Lack of follow-up inspection
15. Corrupt practice among the school inspectors
16. Use of unqualified teachers for inspection.
Research Question 2: How do school inspectors rate the seriousness of the identified
The inspectors rating of the seriousness of the problems of school inspection identified
in the study are show in table 1 

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